The Idea-Re team

open cv
Marcello graduated in Mechanical Engineering at University of Perugia, where he also obtained his PhD in Industrial Engineering.
He has over 20 years of experience in applied research projects and is Professor in Security Engineering at Guglielmo Marconi University – Rome (IT).
He is in the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy registers of Qualified Managers for Technological Innovation and of Technological Innovation Experts.

open cv
Alberto graduated in Mechanical Engineering at University of Perugia, where he was Researcher in Applied Mechanics.
He is Full Professor in Mechanical and Thermal Measurements at Guglielmo Marconi University – Rome (IT).
He has over 20 years of experience in applied research projects, and he is in the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy registers of Qualified Managers for Technological Innovation and of Technological Innovation Experts.

open cv
Emanuele graduated in Physics at University of Perugia, where he also obtained his PhD in Industrial Engineering.
He has over 15 years of experience in applied research projects and he is in the Italian Ministry of Economic Development register of Qualified Managers for Technological Innovation

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Marta graduated in Building Engineering and Architecture at University of Perugia. She received a grant on Smart City topics from Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome.
She has over 10 years of experience in plants, renewable energy, city planning and environmental monitoring.
She gained considerable expertise in design, coordination, management and reporting of R&D projects.

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Erica graduated in Economics at University of Castellanza (VA), Italy.
She has over 20 years of expertise in consulting services for enterprises in the fields of financed training, with the design, management and reporting of training activities, and of funding for companies through local, national and European calls for tender.

open cv
Massimiliano graduated in Physics at University of Perugia.
He was founding partner of Convective Knowledge, a company focused on applied research and scientific consulting to create and develop innovative ideas.
He owns three invention patents and carries out scientific dissemination activities.
Since 2016 he is part of Idea-Re’s R&D team.

open cv
Andrea graduated in Physics at University of Perugia, where he also obtained his PhD in high energy Theoretical Physics.
He spent several years carrying out research activities in this field as a research fellow for Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics.
He was also assigned teaching duties for the Physics Master at University of Perugia.
Since 2018 he is part of Idea-Re’s R&D team.

Federico Bianchi
Researcher and Data Scientist
open cv
Federico graduated in Physics at University Perugia, where he also obtained his PhD in Biophysics.
During his training he took part in international research projects, exploiting facilities such as Elettra-Sincrotrone in Trieste and ESRF-ILL in Grenoble. Experimental by vocation, he always combined this aspect with his ability in data analysis.
Since 2018 he is part of Idea-Re’s R&D team.

Alessandro Vispa
Researcher and Data Scientist
open cv
Alessandro graduated in Physics at Università of Perugia.
He obtained his PhD in Computational and Applied Condensed Matter Physics at Universitat Politècnica de la Catalunya (UPC), Barcellona, Spain.
His research was mainly dedicated to the characterization of disordered state of matter and he took part in several experiments in international facilities: FRMII (Munich, Germania), ISIS (Oxford, UK) and ESRF-ILL (Grenoble, France).
Since 2022 he is part of Idea-Re’s R&D team.

open cv
Researcher and Data Scientist
Stefano graduated in Physics at University of Perugia, completing his training with a PhD in high energy theoretical physics at Swansea University, UK.
During his PhD, Stefano had the chance to interact and work with many physicists from all over the world, taking part in international conferences in high energy Physics and regularly visiting universities in Europe.
Since 2021 he is part of Idea-Re’s R&D team.

open cv
Lorenzo graduated in Physics at University of Perugia, where he also took his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics and conducted post-doc research for several years.
His university education required several years as instrument scientist at ILL High-Flux Nuclear Reactor (Grenoble, France), where his research was focused on the study of liquid metals. He then carried-out technological tranfer activities, working for several years at the development of biomedical instrumentation. He is founding partner of the academic spin-off UBT Srl and of the startup Convective Knowledge.
Since 2023 he is part of Idea-Re’s R&D team.