The “LIGHTtoLIGHT” project intends to create a device whose main application is in the signage sector and which uses luminescent plates.

In particular, the device can be used for making luminous signs for commercial establishments, indication of places, advertising billboards and several other applications. The device makes use of luminescent plates, made of a material that is transparent to visible light, with internal luminescent pigments (phosphorescent and/or fluorescent).
Bright designs and writings can be made on said plates by means of surface incisions and other methods described in the invention.

These drawings and writings are clearly evident, as they are brighter than ambient light of any type (natural or artificial). The devices do not require electrical power.

The luminescent and phosphorescent materials can be made with semiconductor nanocrystals, allowing the creation of luminous signs of any color on a very wide chromatic range. The nanocrystals can be made of silicon and the  luminescent plate can be made of glass/glass ceramic.

LIGHTtoLIGHT devices are patented and the LIGHTtoLIGHT project was the subject of a funding application under the “Brevetti+ 2021” bid.