REEDIA Project

The REEDIA project – REsEarch, Development and Innovation Analytics – originates  from the trade associations’ and financing bodies’ need to increase the knowledge level about the territory, with the aim of orienting actions focused at enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, with specific reference to innovation and R&D topics.

REEDIA will integrate existing databases with the DPR&DI collaborative platform (Digital Platform for Research & Development and Innovation projects, developed by Idea-Re for the management of innovation and R&D projects. Such data will be given additional value through REEDIA, the goal of which is to develop an innovative digital platform based on georeferencing of integrated databases and development of new methods of Data Analytics.

The REEDIA platform will allow monitoning of the enterprises’ performances on the effects of  development strategies and will be possible to employ it as a Decision Support System (DSS) for optimal planning of R&D and innovation investments.

REEDIA will ultimately allow to:
• perform clustering of companies over a specific area based on features of interest for the stakeholders;
• assess the efficiency of the innovation and R&D activities carried out by companies;
• assess the effects of incentive policies over the territory;
• detect relevant opportunities for entrepreuners and stakeholders;
• support decision making at various levels through knowledge extraction;
• implement optimal actions on the territory.

REEDIA was funded in the context of  the grant POR FESR 2014-2020 – Asse I – Azione 1.4.1 “Sostegno all’individuazione di soluzioni innovative a specifici problemi di rilevanza sociale attraverso l’utilizzo di ambienti di innovazione aperta Living LAB”.